Name :
Marta Asri Dewi
Student Number : 12315244009
Class/Semester : International Science Education/3
Course :
Practical of Earth Science
Lecturer : Dr. Yosaphat Sumardi,
M.Pd., M.Si.
Topographic Maps
Topographic maps represent the locations
by using a special type of line, called a contour line, to show elevation
change on the earth surface. Below is an example of topographic map.

By observing the topographic map beside,
the interval of one contour line to the next can be known by subtracting them .
For example by subtracting the highest contour line with the next contour line,
600 meters
– 500 meters = 100 meters.
Then, the contour
line interval is 100 meters. The interval itself is the change in value from
one contour line to the next contour line.
By looking at the map, we are going
to see that there are some steep slopes, especially around the hill. They are
placed on the north side, east side (Clear Brook area), and west side of Outlook
Hill (Mad Brook area). While, the south side of Outlook Hill is the gently
sloping side. It’s marked by the distance between each contour line. The longer
distance between two contour lines, the more gently sloping the area marked is,
and vice versa.
If we do travel south on Route 1
like on the map, we will see the landscape and its changes as we go. Beginning
from the north end of Route 1 on the map, we are on the low elevation area that
is less than 100 meters above sea level. This is the very gently sloping area.
Keep heading south on Route 1, we will see an area whose elevation has been
carefully measured, it’s 43 meters above sea level. South of this place, there
are four buildings and a river called Randy’s River. The water of this river
flows from west to east towards the sea. In case we look at the west side along
the trip, we’ll get the west side has higher elevation. This is why the water
flows from west to east. The river water itself comes from two-way flow of
river, one of them is the Little Brook located whose water flows to the north.
It’s near the grassland at 245 meters height. Then, after crossing river, there
are two buildings that are next to each other. The place where the buildings
are located is a steep slope area. As we go south, there’s a flow of water
comes from a brook called Clear Brook. The water source of this brook is fount
of Outlook Hill. This side where Clear Brook located is included into steep slope
area causing the Clear Brook water flows downhill to northeast.
According to the map, the top of
Outlook Hill has 635 meters height above sea level. The steepest side of this
hill is located on the north side of the hill. It’s near with Clear Brook. Below
is the side view of the hill as seen from Clear Brook.

In case we do travel around the pond
by a boat, we will see that the water source of the pond comes from Mad Brook.
It flows from the hill to the pond through Mad Brook. Mad Brook itself is
located on about 500 to 300 meters height. In addition, Mad Brook is placed
along west side of the hill. Then, there are four buildings lined on the west
side of the pond. The water of the pond goes out through a stream called Little
Brook that is located on the north of the pond. There’s also a grassland on the
north of the pond. It’s located on about 245 meters height above sea level. By
observing the map above, we’ll get that the number of the buildings provided on
the map are ten buildings.
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